Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I resolve to cook more

I used to cook every night. Even when there were PTA meetings, Girl Scout meetings and errands to run. I somehow always found the time. In the last year or so I have gotten lazy. I've been busy with school and work, but really not any busier than I have been in the past. I just got lazy. My husband would offer to throw a frozen pizza on the pizzaz, Ashley would say that she just wanted a sandwich or soup and I would just give in/up.

Well, in 2011 I say NO MORE! I am going to cook 5 nights a week. I think that is realistic for me. I'm going to try to get back on the menu planning bandwagon to help me out. So far I've done great and my family loves it too.

Ashley is in her high school musical, Suessical, and has practice almost every night until 6:30. I've been trying to use the crock pot more so that whenever she gets home, dinner is hot and ready. I've also tried to have salad fixin's on hand so if I flake out on cooking, we won't just throw a pizza on.

Cooking at home will save us money, keep us happy and healthy.

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