Thursday, March 3, 2011

The budget cuts that Governor Scott Walker is proposing for the State of Wisconsin are atrocious. Here are just a few of the items that I feel are the worst. There's so much more, but these are the ones that are keeping me up at night.
  • Drinking water will no longer need to be sanitized.
  • Recycling will no longer be mandatory.
  • Health Insurance companies will no longer have to cover birth control. This is coming at a horrible time since National funding for Planned Parenthood was just cut.
  • Ban on phosphorus in lawn fertilizer will be lifted. It was originally banned because of the runoff in our lakes.
  • No more minimum instructional hours for our schools. This will all be up to local districts.
  • Loss of collective bargaining to almost all public employees.
  • Massive cuts to education. The first to go will be drug and alcohol prevention programs.

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